Healing Minds, Rebuilding Lives: HUG’s Support for Ukrainian Refugees in Sweden

Dec 29, 2024
Healing Minds, Rebuilding Lives: HUG’s Support for Ukrainian Refugees in Sweden

Since its start a year and a half ago, Help Ukraine Gothenburg (HUG) has been a lifeline for Ukrainians grappling with the profound psychological toll of war and displacement. Featured in a recent SVT report, HUG’s work highlights the pressing need for mental health support and the significant impact of its programs.

A Growing Crisis

HUG’s internal survey paints a stark picture: 60% of Ukrainian refugees report depression or anxiety, and 33% struggle with PTSD. These challenges often stem from war trauma compounded by the hardships of migration and the complexities of integration.

“It’s a multifaceted problem,” explains HUG’s Head of Mission, Kateryna Blagodyr.
“Many arrive with pre-existing issues, but the war has destabilized everything. Migration introduces further difficulties, and integration into a new society is challenging.” Despite these obstacles, HUG sees an increase of 20 new participants each month—a testament to refugees' growing awareness and readiness to seek help.

Stories Behind the Numbers

One such story is that of Maria Popova, a pastry chef from Mariupol, now living in Gothenburg. After arriving in Sweden in March 2022, Maria faced relentless nightmares as she tried to process the loss of her home and the uncertainty of her future. Determined to rebuild her life, she now runs a small café and dreams of owning her own one day. Maria also participates actively in HUG’s Better You & Me mental health program, which she credits for helping her regain her footing.

How HUG Helps

HUG’s mental health team of seven psychologists and coaches provides a range of services tailored to the needs of children, youth, and adults. These include individual therapy, group activities, and workshops designed to build resilience and foster a sense of community.

The programs not only focus on healing but also support refugees in integrating into Swedish society. As Maria’s journey demonstrates, mental health support is crucial for enabling refugees to regain stability, pursue their ambitions, and contribute to their new communities.

The Bigger Picture

The SVT report underscores the broader implications of HUG’s work.

Quality mental health support is not a luxury; it is the foundation for successful integration.

Without it, many refugees would struggle to adapt, leading to long-term social and economic challenges for both individuals and the host country.

Join Us

HUG has already provided life-changing support to around 400 participants and the demand continues to grow. But the need is vast, and there’s so much more to be done. With your help, we can ensure that every refugee receives the support they need to heal and thrive.