Hug delivered truck №156 to Ukraine

Apr 12, 2024
Hug delivered truck №156 to Ukraine

Fantastic news from us at Hug! Today, our truck No. 156 left our warehouse and is heading to eastern Ukraine filled with critical items for those most affected by the war.

Diapers from Essity

The cargo contains:

• 12 pallets with medical supplies

• 15 hospital beds

• 9 pallets of food for pets

• 8 pallets of baby diapers

• 2 pallets of diapers for adults

• 2 pallets of hygiene items

🏥🛡️ Big thanks to our partners Operation Change and ETOC in Kharkiv who receive and distribute the donation between hospitals, frontline, various shelters and civilians in particularly vulnerable areas.

🤝 We are always looking for new partners to support and expand our humanitarian efforts, especially in the field of healthcare. If you or your organization would like to participate in this vital activity, please contact us to inquire about collaboration opportunities.

Beds from various municipal and private care facilities.

🙏 A big thank you to everyone who supports, especially:

Andreas Svenungsson

Volvo Defence

Volvo Group



Sahlgrenska University Hospital

Västra Götalandsregionen


Human Bridge Stiftelse

as well as many private individuals who contributed with donations including dog food.

Together we make a difference. Together we fight for hope and solidarity with Ukraine 💙💛