Quarterly Report: Life-Saving Aid and New Partnerships

Oct 1, 2024
Quarterly Report: Life-Saving Aid and New Partnerships

Hug’s Third Quarter Report: Life-Saving Aid and New Partnerships for Ukraine

Gothenburg, October 31, 2024 – Hug extends heartfelt gratitude to its partners and sponsors for their crucial support throughout the third quarter of 2024. Thanks to their commitment, Hug has been able to deliver vital aid to Ukraine, including essential supplies, ambulances, medical equipment, and impactful support initiatives. Below, we outline recent successes and partnerships, hoping more will join us in making a difference.

Hug’s Third Quarter Achievements

  • 23 trucks carrying 171,146 kg of essential supplies, valued at SEK 7,590,000
  • 6 ambulances and 6 casevacs delivered to Ukraine
  • Camp for 112 Ukrainian children in Sweden and camp for 110 children in Ukraine

Life-Saving Deliveries to Ukraine

During the third quarter, Hug dispatched 23 trucks filled with critical supplies to Ukraine, including medical equipment, diapers, and fire extinguishers. These deliveries were made possible through the generous contributions of Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Region Halland, Västra Götaland Region, and Sisjödepån. Special thanks go to Essity for their diaper donations and Alwico Brand AB for sponsoring fire extinguishers, enhancing the safety of both civilians and soldiers. Additionally, PEAB and Lambertsson Sverige AB have supported us with containers and essential tools for medical emergencies, while Volvo Trucks has been an invaluable partner, covering transport costs.

Ambulances and Casevacs in Active Use

Ambulances and casevacs provided by Hug continue to play a key role in evacuating civilians from dangerous zones. These life-saving vehicles were donated by Rotary, Deloitte, Region Kronoberg, Volito, and Mannheimer Swartling, making a vital difference on the ground. We are also grateful to Göteborg Majorna Frölunda Rotary Club for sponsoring another ambulance, further enhancing emergency care for those injured in Ukraine.

New Partnerships: PEAB and Lambertsson Sverige AB

This quarter, Hug proudly welcomed PEAB and Lambertsson Sverige AB as new partners. Their generous sponsorship of 42 containers and tools, such as metal cutters and automatic hammers, has strengthened the support for Ukrainian soldiers at the frontline.

PEAB and Lambertsson have quickly become invaluable collaborators, and we look forward to expanding our joint efforts.

Hug Now a Certified Donation Recipient

Hug is now a Certified Donation Recipient by the Swedish Tax Agency, meaning donors can receive a 25% tax deduction for donations, up to SEK 3,000 per year. We hope this makes it easier for even more people to support our vital efforts in Ukraine.

Better You&Me Celebrates One Year

Our psychosocial support project, Better You&Me, which provides assistance to Ukrainian refugees, celebrated its first anniversary with a powerful event on World Mental Health Day 2023. The project has grown into a vibrant community, with 342 participants and over 1,300 hours of individual counseling, 370+ group session hours, 4 retreats, and 24 public lectures. Special thanks to Mats Paulsson Foundation for making this project possible.

Support for Ukrainian Children

This summer, Hug hosted a camp for Ukrainian children on Styrsö Island, in collaboration with Voices of Children in Ukraine. With generous support from Jula, The Church of Sweden, Embracer Group, Göteborg Majorna Frölunda Rotary Club, AVIX - Solme, Cederquist Law Firm, FSN Capital Partners, and Stockholm Cathedral Parish, we created a safe and memorable summer experience for these children. Special thanks also to Tjörn för Ukraina for organizing a joyful day for 30 Ukrainian children.

Impact of Donations

Every donation has an incredible impact. Thanks to your support, Hug has dispatched 23 trucks of essential supplies to Ukraine, delivered 6 ambulances and 6 casevacs, organized summer camps for 222 Ukrainian children, and continued essential healing work with adults through the Better You&Me project.

We thank our partners and donors who make these initiatives possible.

For more information, please contact: Email: contact@hug.ngo
Follow us on social media for the latest updates on our work in Ukraine.