Parental Support Meetings with BRIS

Oct 3, 2024
Parental Support Meetings with BRIS

Over the past month, we have together with BRIS held five meetings to support Ukrainian parents in Sweden. These sessions have provided many with valuable insights into how Swedish society works for children, and how parents can feel more confident in their new roles here.

We’ve covered topics such as:

  • How family life works in Sweden and the unwritten rules that help make everyday life easier to understand.
  • The role of social services and what Ukrainian parents should know about the available support.
  • The Convention on the Rights of the Child, which is a key law for children’s rights in Sweden, along with questions and concerns from parents.

A big thank you to all the parents who attended, listened, and shared their experiences. Special thanks to Sara Hammar and Sara Odén from Bris, who guided us through each session with warmth and expertise.