Про нас

Наша місія

Ми прагнемо змінити життя, пропагуючи підтримку, справедливість і право на доступне та повноцінне майбутнє для всіх.

Нагальні потреби націлені наданням критичної підтримки, як-от гуманітарна допомога, рятувальні машини, а також підтримка психічного здоров'я.

По суті, ми надаємо українцям можливість відбудовувати життя та майбутнє за допомогою наших довгострокових програм.


Катя Бланк

Голова місії

Надія Кваша

Операційна менеджерка

Марія Мельник

Провідна координаторка

Катерина Александрова

Керівниця відділу персоналу та партнерів


Klas Friberg

Колишній голова Служби безпеки Швеції

Emma Ihre

Керівник відділу сталого розвитку Групи Embracer

Charlotta Gummesson

Генеральний директор Наукового парку «Sahlgrenska»

Andreas Svenungsson

Президент Volvo Defence

Anne Rosengren

Колишній генеральний директор Catella Group

Anders Lietzinger

Голова пасторату Карла Йоханса

Per Josefson

Головний юридичний директор Nobelstifkelsen


Ми у світових медіа

Supported Brigades

Territorial Defense Brigade #125
48th Engineering Brigade
190th Training Center Unmanned Systems Forces
60th Mechanized Brigade
Tactical Medical Center - North
154th Mechanized Brigade
12th Brigade of Operational Assignment
International Legion
101st Guard Brigade Of General Staff "Henadii Vorobiov"
63rd Mechanized Brigade
3rd Separate Special Purpose Regiment
Territorial Defense Brigade #110
Counterintelligence Department of the Security Service of Ukraine
12th Special Operations Brigade "Azov”
Main Directorate of the National Police in Kyiv
17th Regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine
10th Mountain Assault Brigade “"Edelweiss”
8th Separate Special Purpose Regiment
42nd Mechanized Brigade
Tactical Medical Center - East
56th Motorized Brigade
47th Separate Assault BrigAde "Magura"
108th Separate Mechanized Battalion Dmytro Kotsiubailo - "Da Vinci Wolves"
68th Jaeger Brigade “Oleksa Dovbush”
Hospitallers Medical Battalion
3rd Assault Brigade
1st Presidential Brigade Hetman Petro Doroshenko "Bureviy"
Defense Intelligence of Ukraine
The International Center for Training Units of National Guard of Ukraine
24th Separate Assault Battalion "Aidar"
Medical Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Command of the Combined Forces of the Armer Forces of Ukraine
137th Separate Battalion of Marine Forces of Ukraine
1020 Regiment of Anti-Aircraft Missile and Artillery
National Police of Ukraine - Cyber Police Department
67th Mechanized Brigade
44th Mechanized Brigade
58th Motorized Brigade
117th Heavy Mechanized Brigade
57th Motorized Brigade
41st Mechanized Brigade
40th Artillery Brigade
14nd Mechanized Brigade “Prince Roman the Great”
93rd Mechanized Brigade “Kholodnyi Yar”
92nd Assault Brigade “Ivan Sirko”
Territorial Defense Brigade #113
Territorial Defense Brigade #127
Special Operations Forces of Ukraine
Special Unit of Defense Intelligence of Ukraine “KRAKEN”
National Guard of Ukraine Brigade “Khartiia”
National Guard of Ukraine Brigade “SPARTAN”
National guard of Ukraine Brigade “SKIF”
412th Unity of Drones System Forces
Combined Rifle Brigade of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Territorial Defense Brigade #126
Territorial Defense Brigade #105
Territorial Defense Brigade #128 “Dyke Pole”
Special Group of Special Forces of Ukraine "Alpha"
National Guard of Ukraine – Special Operations Center "Omega"
Assault Brigade of the National Police of Ukraine “Lyut” - "Fury"
National Guard of Ukraine Brigade “Sloviansk”
36th Marine Brigade “Rear Admiral Mykhailo Bilinskyi”
35th Marine Brigade “Real Admiral Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi”
110th Mechanized Brigade "Marko Bezruchko"
81st Airmobile Brigade
80th Air Assault Brigade
71st Jaeger Brigade